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We don’t get rid of waste, but make the most of it
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In 2020, our company implemented a project to process activated sludge and raw sludge into electrical and thermal energy in Kursk. 

Wastewater treatment plants

In Voroshnevo village  on the territory of the Kurskvodokanal municipal unitary enterprise

Four fermentation tanks
of 3000 m3 each

Two Jenbacher gas piston units with a power of 1067 kW each.

We use various raw materials at the station

Sludge, sediment, organic waste from livestock and crop production

О компании ПКЖБИС

What is Biogas?
It is a gas produced by microbial decomposition of biomass under anaerobic conditions. Biogas is colorless and odorless. Can be used for combustion in boilers and internal combustion engines without enrichment. Most often it is used to generate electrical energy or is enriched to biomethane and supplied to gas networks with natural gas. Landfill gas is also biogas. Biogas is obtained from food industry and agricultural waste, as well as from silage.
Carbon dioxide
Methane after purification
What is Biogas made from?
We efficiently process into Biogas:
Cattle manure
Already contains methane-producing bacteria, suitable for continuous cycle
Pig and sheep manure
It is added in doses, due to the different composition and contamination with waste
Bird droppings
For processing, a hydrolysis reactor is additionally used
The volume of water in the material is first reduced
Plant crops
We work officially, we have all the necessary certificates
Solid waste landfills

For large orders we make an individual offer and give gifts

25 kWh
electricity per 1 m³
26 kWh
thermal energy in 1 m³
5 133 kk/m³
calorific value
114 kg/m³
biogas density
717 °C
combustion temperature
Benefits from biogas
Saving disposal costs and additional profits
Biogas is used in food industry enterprises most often to replace natural gas and fuel oil in existing boilers. For such a replacement to be profitable, the plant must operate all year round.
This is a by-product of the biogas plant. Its value is determined by the content of the active substance NPK. In a biogas station, fermentation is accelerated, all nitrogen is retained and is in free ammonium form.
From 1 m³ of biogas, in a cogeneration gas piston thermal power plant, it is possible to generate 2.2 kW/h of electricity (with 60% methane in biogas). Electricity can be sold to the network at a feed-in tariff or used for the needs of the enterprise itself.
Biogas can be used to generate not only electricity, but also thermal energy. Biogas is not specifically burned to produce heat. Heat is taken from engine cooling and from the exhaust of combustion products.
The biogas plant processes waste into biogas and biofertilizers. Production helps prevent the release of methane into the atmosphere. Capturing it is the best way to prevent global warming.
A system for enriching biogas to biomethane (CO2 removal) is used. After such purification, the resulting gas becomes an analogue of Gost natural gas (98-99% methane CH4). The only difference is its origin.
Can biogas be liquefied and filled into cylinders?

Not really. Unlike propane-butane, which is called liquefied gas, biogas cannot be liquefied at normal temperatures. Biogas is methane gas. As temperatures drop, carbon dioxide liquefies before methane. Methane evaporation temperature is -161.5 °C. Typically, methane is stored in cylinders not liquefied, but purified from CO2 and compressed under a pressure of 200-300 atmospheres. Producing liquefied biomethane is possible, but will not be cheap. In this case, biogas-to-methane enrichment and cryogenic technology are required.

Is it possible to accumulate biogas and store it for a long time?

It is possible, but such storage facilities are expensive. Typically, low-pressure gas tanks are designed for storage for 1-4 hours. There are spherical gas holders of medium pressure for 2-5 days. For long-term storage, biogas must be enriched to methane and compressed under high pressure. In this case, storage facilities must be underground, as for natural gas.

What is the price of a biogas station?

The price of a station depends on the size of the station, the type of raw materials, and the set of equipment. The smaller the station, the more expensive it is per kW of installed capacity. The station can cost 1400 Euro per 1 kW when building a 10 MW station on a silo. On manure, a station can cost 2000-3000 Euros per 1 kW for construction of 1-2 MW. 300 kW stations cost 5000 Euro per kW. There are simple stations using cattle manure, and there are complex ones with contaminated raw materials, which require special preparation.

How much does the simplest and cheapest installation cost?

The price of a station depends on the size of the station, the type of raw materials, and the set of equipment. The smaller the station, the more expensive it is per kW of installed capacity. The station can cost 1400 Euro per 1 kW when building a 10 MW station on a silo. On manure, a station can cost 2000-3000 Euros per 1 kW for construction of 1-2 MW. 300 kW stations cost 5000 Euro per kW. There are simple stations using cattle manure, and there are complex ones with contaminated raw materials, which require special preparation.

What are the payback periods for biogas projects?

The payback period for biogas stations ranges from 2-3 years to 6-7 years. The larger the project, the shorter the payback period. Projects using waste that cannot be sold pay off better than projects using corn silage. However, there is a special technology for corn silage, and on a large scale and using silage it is possible to reach 3-4 years. The payback period for biogas stations also depends on the concept. This is the replacement of gas or the sale of electricity at a feed-in tariff. Everything depends on energy prices and the availability of feed-in tariffs in a particular country. The return on investment of projects is greatly influenced by the reliability of technical solutions and the professional experience of the engineering company. You can buy cheap equipment, even if it is of high quality, but with the wrong technology or an insufficiently thought-out concept.

How do the proposed technologies differ from others?

Usually companies use one technology. Most use CSTR. "Zorg Biogas" is distinguished by the fact that it uses all technologies. We use high-load technologies (HLR) for silage, vertical reactors (vCSTR) for sugar pulp, CSTR for manure and litter, and dry method for solid waste. With all this, by use we do not mean the prospectus, but the operating stations.

Classic CSTR technology implies a load of organic dry matter of 2-4 kg per m³ of reactor per day. We use HLR and achieve a WWS load of 5-16 kg per m³ of reactor per day. There are even stations with a load of 18 kg of WWS.

CSTR has 3-10% dry matter in the reactor. HLR has 16-18%.

Reactors using HLR technology are 3 times smaller in volume and 2 times cheaper compared to CSTR.

The dry method allows you to process heavily contaminated municipal solid waste without deep sorting. When using CSTR, fine sorting is mandatory. The dry method is many times cheaper and no less effective.

Is it possible to make gasoline from biogas?

There is Fischer-Tropsch technology for converting natural gas into liquid hydrocarbons. However, such installations cost hundreds of millions of euros. Liquid fuel does not have to be liquid to be used as a vehicle fuel. Biogas enriched to methane can be filled into cylinders. Such installations are relatively inexpensive.

What is the best raw material?

The best raw materials are free, pure and high in calories. But you need to start not from the best, but from what exists and calculate the payback period of the project, compare with others.

Is it possible to mix raw materials?

Many people will answer such a question that it is possible and necessary. We believe that sometimes the raw materials are so different that it is better not to mix. For example, manure liquid effluent and silage have different fermentation periods and are best fermented in different reactors. Each time you load slurry, unfermented silage will be lost. You can mix similar raw materials.

What is the yield of biogas from various raw materials?

Yield, m³/t per Substrate

46 Cattle manure (natural 87% humidity)

22 Self-floating Cattle manure (95% humidity)

100 Bedding Cattle manure (60% humidity)

25 Self-floating pig manure (95% humidity)

150 Cellular poultry manure (65% humidity)

200 Poultry litter (50% humidity)

240 Corn silage (65% humidity)

36 Whey, (94% humidity)

600 Grain, flour, bread

134 Fruit and vegetable pulp (80% humidity)

168 Beet pulp (75% humidity)

633 Molasses

65 Grain stillage (90% humidity)

50 Molasses stillage (90% humidity)

110 Brewer's grains (78% humidity)

100 Corn pulp (80% humidity)

32 Potato pulp (91% moisture)

800 Fat (pure, 0% moisture)

200 Fat from grease traps (fat pulp) 150

Slaughterhouse waste (blood, cane, soft tissue)

100 Root vegetables

250 Technical glycerin

100 Municipal solid waste

330 Ground straw ( 20% humidity)

530 Straw pellets (10% humidity)

Contact us
+7 (4712) 37-15-17, +7 (910) 210-85-04
305524, Kursk region, Kursk district, village
Ryshkovo, st. Tsentralnaya, 8A, office 3
305524, Kursk region, Kursk district, Ryshkovo village, st. Tsentralnaya, 8A, office 3. INN/KPP 4611011980/461101001 OGRN1124611000260